Drink Philly Summer Boat Party Recap (PHOTOS)

There was boozing and there was cruising last Wednesday at our first ever Drink Philly Summer Boat Party, and we’d like to send a huge thanks to everyone who came out and made it a great success! The weather was perfect, the sailing was smooth, and you all looked fantastic in your nautical swag.
We boarded the Spirit of Philadelphia and set off down the Delaware for an unforgettable evening of dancing, drinking, and general debauchery. The DJ was bumping on the dance floor, and the cool jazz was keeping things chill on the upper deck. Beach balls were bouncing, photos were being snapped, and we were not disappointed by the multitude of captains hats. It was a fantastic way to celebrate the summer, and we couldn’t have asked for a better group to celebrate with. We hope you enjoyed the cruise as much as we did.
Click through to see the photos. You can see a few of the Photobot 3000 photos on our site, or click over to their site to check them out here. If you're interested in getting high res images of any of these photos, feel free to contact us.

Tags: Parties, Photos & Videos